Debt Recovery Solutions

You don’t pay a penny until we perform!

Not even set up costs . . .

Monterey Financial debt recovery

Our contingency based fee structure ensures no out of pocket expense for our clients

It's time you recovered more of your delinquent debt.

Monterey Financial is unique in the industry in that our debt recovery solutions typically recover at least 25% more than industry standards, thus adding much more to your bottom line.

We have extensive experience recovering delinquent debt from customers with all credit scores - fair, poor and bad credit ratings included.

Proudly accredited by the Better Business Bureau since 2000 with a top-tier rating

Monterey Financial Services LLC BBB Business Review

How do we do it?

After nearly 30 years becoming a leading debt collections company, Monterey Financial has tested and calibrated a unique and robust process. Aspects of our approach include:

  • Monterey's collection agency associates are the most experienced in the company. The typical collection associate has more than 10 years of experience with Monterey. Most have graduated from our loan servicing or consumer finance call centers where they demonstrated consistent performance. Because these associates earn commission for every dollar collected, they are uniquely motivated to work all accounts to conclusion. Other agencies expend only minimum effort to collect, relying on a short letter series or a few phone calls.
  • Additional training to become debt collectors involves:
    • principles of influential communication
    • strategies to overcome debtor objections
    • advanced negotiation technique training
    • testing in all state and federal collection standards and practices (FPCPA, TCPA, FCRA and many more)
  • Assertive skip-tracing. You've probably heard of "skip-tracing" from crime shows. Skip tracers do more than search the internet for signs of your delinquent debtors. They gather and analyze information gathered from the "skip's" connections, search public records, credit records and more, all to pinpoint the "skip's" location. Our experienced analysts can make sense of complex information to pinpoint your debtors' locations and connect one-to-one with them. It's this personal connection that gets debtors settling their debts.
  • Constant state and federal regulation compliance. New laws regarding collections practices come seemingly daily. Monterey Financial has attorneys, a dedicated compliance committee, and other legal staff to update collections agents on these changes. A member of our senior executive team serves as "Corporate Compliance Officer." More, all collectors, no matter how long they've been with the company, undergo testing annually at a minimum to ensure they stay up-to-date with all collections practices.

    Monterey Financial emphasizes the critical nature of avoiding abusive collections practices at all costs. We test our collectors to ensure they understand acceptable practices on Federal and State laws, including but not limited to, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Unfair Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Consumer Credit Protection Act, and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

  • Active monitoring of all inbound calls for training and compliance purposes. With all calls recorded, unwarranted consumer complaints are easily catalogued, retrieved and resolved, and quality is ensured.

How a top debt collection agency maximizes your profits

Clear backlogged receivables and boost cash flow

Monterey Financial debt recovery - maximize your profit

Monterey Financial has been honing an efficient debt recovery solutions process for almost 30 years. Every company has some bad debt annually, but the more recovered and the less written off, the higher company profits. It's always better to recover as much debt as possible than write debt off. Additionally, the IRS needs to see you're doing your due diligence. Monterey Financial's debt recovery solutions demonstrate you're making "reasonable efforts" to collect your bad debt.

Consider: if a company's margin are a typical 20%, writing $1,000 of bad debt off of $100,000 in revenues means the business must generate another $5,000 in revenues to offset that $1,000 loss. Generating that $5,000 (to win just $1,000 in profit at a 20% margin) in total sales requires materials, labor, marketing and more.

Higher business profits translate into lower loan rates, happier investors and more respect from peers, competitors and the IRS.

The Monterey Financial Debt Recovery Solutions Process


Your MFS sales rep assists you through getting delinquent loans onboarded to the MFS platform. You will receive specialized training on running reports, and monitoring accounts.


For each account, the agent conducts a preliminary investigation to identify debtor location and contact information. The agent works to make a one-on-one connection, the proven best way to collect delinquent funds. Collection attempts, and ongoing credit reporting continues at no charge to you.

Payment to You

After we secure the debtors payments, funds are remitted to your bank account on an agreed upon schedule.

Get High Performance Debt Recovery Solutions and...

Avoid the hassles of hiring, training and costs your own workforce

Does your company have the compliance expertise to make sure you're not breaching FDCPA, UDAAP, FCRA and more?

Monterey Financial does.

We put a team of legal minds on maintaining up-to-date on compliance so that you can avoid costly consumer harassment lawsuits and unwarranted complaints. Our team frequently updates our debt collectors and we test these professionals to ensure they know exactly how to stay within the legal limits. Further, we record ALL calls to provide clear legal proof in case of lawsuits or complaints.

Do your employees have specific training on overcoming debtor complaints and communicating clearly, firmly and effectively? Or, acting as debt collectors, do they veer from their core competencies? Are they incentivized to collect past due funds? Monterey Financial's debt recovery solutions agents are not only incentivized to collect but they have been thoroughly trained in and focus strictly on the art and science of debt collections.

If your employees or those from a less established debt collection agency are reading pre-written scripts, they don't understand FDCPA, UDAAP, FCRA and other laws well enough to make the careful calibrations to adapt to the specific situation. Experienced debt collectors who know the laws inside and out make decisions on the spot to win the debt or at least most of it from the debtor.

Successful Monterey Financial Industries include, but are not limited to:

Educational Products & Services:

  • College Funding & Tutoring Programs
  • Alternative Learning Instruction
  • Real Estate & Stock Market Training
  • Seminars & Business Opportunity Programs
  • Tax Resolution Services
  • Vocational & Trade Schools
    • Computer Certifications
    • Medical Billing Schools
    • Truck Driving Schools
    • Culinary Arts
    • RN Programs

Leisure Services & Memberships:

  • Timeshare Sales
  • Vacation Club Memberships
  • Campground Memberships
  • Golf Club Memberships
  • Discount Buyers Clubs
  • Bulk Home Food Sales

Retail Businesses:

  • Furniture & Jewelry Sales
  • Sporting Goods (Firearms)
  • Vacuum, Air Purification & Water Systems
  • Pet Stores
  • Fitness Equipment
  • “Flex” Pay Plans, i.e. "5 Easy Payments!”
  • Electronics & Games
  • Musical Instrument Sales and Rent To Own
  • HVAC & Appliance Sales
  • Home Renovation Services

Medical Devices & Services:

  • Stem Cell Therapy
  • Diabetic Pumps
  • Dental/Orthodontic
  • Hearing Aids
  • Elective Procedures
  • Laser Hair Treatment
  • Emergency Life Saving Devices
  • Other Elective Procedures & Services

Keep in mind that Monterey Financial has nearly 30-years' experience collecting from those with sub-prime debt, also known as fair, poor and bad credit. While getting some to be responsible about their obligations can be a challenge, our debt recovery solutions team consistently helps them see the benefits of resolving this debt.

Debt Collection Agency Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Monterey Financial debt collection frequently asked questions

What are debt collection agency fees? How are debt recovery service fees collected?

As we say at the top of this page, "You don't pay a penny until we perform!" We don't collect a cent until we recover some of the money you are owed.

Fees are contingency based, that is, a percentage of collected debt, with size of the debt portfolio, effort required to collect the debt and age of the account being considered.

How Does a Debt Collection Agency Work?

Debt collection agencies employ debt collectors and attorneys to focus all energies on collection. These debt collection services collect debts that have been charged off and return the money back to the original creditor. Debt recovery services may specialize in recent debt (90 days or less overdue), debt of a certain age, under and over certain amounts or certain industries. They may also specialize in certain industries. Sometimes, collection agencies negotiate settlements with consumers for less than what's owed. State and federal laws stipulate that debt collections companies refrain from any harassment that may violate FDCPA, UDAAP and many other laws.

What tactics are permissible for a debt collection agency to take?

A debt collection agency is within its rights to contact a debtor via phone, letter, text or email. However, there are laws that restricts the frequency, content, and time at which a debtor may be contacted about the debt.

What are the restrictions on communications by debt collectors when collecting a debt?

The Federal Trade Commission prohibits debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices. Specifically any debt collector who pretends to be an authoritative entity (e.g. an attorney or government entity) is breaking the law.

Beyond this basic rule, debt collectors:

  • cannot threaten or otherwise harass a debtor. Harassment typically involves overly repetitious phone calls, obscene and/or aggressive language.
  • cannot call a debtor before 8:00 in the morning or after 9:00 at night, unless the debtor has given that permission.
  • cannot contact a debtor at work after they've been told the debtor is not permitted to get calls there
  • can only contact third parties (relatives, friends) to obtain information about the debtor's address, not the details of the debt itself
  • can only contact the debtor's attorney if a debtor has retained an attorney to represent him or her.

Who regulates debt collections companies?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a consumer protection agency, enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Unfair Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) and several more.

Debt Recovery Solutions for Every Industry and Credit Type

Ready to turn your delinquent debt over to the pros? Ready to funnel more profit back to your bottom line? One of our sales agents is happy to talk to you! Don't hesitate: do you company a favor and connect with us today!

we know your financial needs don't look like everyone else's.

© 2025 Monterey Financial Services, LLC